Cobra Pose – Editorial Review


Title: Cobra Pose

Author: Susan Rogers and John Roosen

Genre: Mystery / Thriller / Romance


In book two of the Yoga Mat Mysteries series, in Cobra Pose by Susan Rogers and John Roosen, we pick up the story of Elaina, a yoga instructor, and her lover, Ric, as they get swept up in solving a worldwide internet heist that may crumble the financial system. Elaina’s father, Edward, goes missing, and it’s no coincidence that his skills at hacking are in high demand for this job. In a race to save Edward’s life and stop the evil masterminds from winning, Ric and Elaine travel to Brisbane, Queensland, in Australia, but this is just the first step.

Cobra Pose can easily be read as a standalone novel, although reading the first book certainly enriches the reader’s experience, especially where main characters, Elaina and Ric, are concerned. If the audience has not read book one, they likely will want to after finishing book two, and that’s a big nod to the authors for keeping the reader engaged in the story. This is accomplished through a steady plot that keeps just enough intrigue to keep the page turning, even if the narrative is told through third-person omniscient. We are given scenes with the hackers as they hold Edward captive, so even though we know what Ric, Elaina, and their team don’t, the story still works because the characters are interesting and have witty dialogue and realistic personalities.

The setting is Australia, which is a fresh perspective for many readers. The authors give plenty of details about the landscape, climate, culture, and people of Australia to create a vibrant backdrop for the story. With fun dialogue, like Ric’s obsession with the perfect cup of coffee or one of the evil guy’s attempts at sounding Aussie, combined with the actual Australian lingo and dialect, we can hear these characters and appreciate the Land Down Under.

Rogers and Roosen explore several genres, including romance, mystery, suspense, thriller, and humor. Because of this wide range, although it may be challenging to pinpoint this book’s audience, it has a broad appeal. The sexual tension between Ric and Elaina is especially a treat for lovers of romance. Hints toward the cozy mystery genre are also included, such as details about the comfort of the scenery, like a cafe on a beach, or the details of the Italian dinners with a stunning glass of a dry red wine pairing.

There are a few minor grammatical and punctuation items that could use some work, but these don’t detract from the enjoyment of the narrative and could easily be fixed with another round of edits. Note that the English used is Aussie, and some of the rules, like single quotation marks in place of the American double, are expected.

Cobra Pose is a witty, fun, and exciting suspense romance adventure in the Down Under. Readers who enjoy romance with a bit of edge will find pleasure in Ric and Elaina’s story. Rogers and Roosen have effectively continued their series with another gripping mystery that will leave the reader wanting book three.



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