

Welcome to the BRD Services Page.

Drawing on years of networking in the writing and publishing industry, BRD has assembled a team of highly qualified individuals to offer you a range of affordable writing services for your projects. Put together, it represents decades of professional experience in their field.

Check out the descriptions below and click on any service that interests you for more information.


Editorial Book Reviews

Receive a professional Editorial Book Review from our team of qualified individuals with experience ranging from journalism to English degrees, bringing credibility to your book from a third party source. With it, you can show your readers why they should buy your book. Use quotes from your Editorial Book Review for book advertisements and to post on website marketplaces under your book’s listing. See our dozens of testimonials from satisfied customers. Please note: we only post Editorial Reviews on our website with author permission, and we post it on our website only.


Book Advertising

Over one million books were published last year. Advertising your book can help it stand out from the crowd. Give your book the views it deserves.



Our proofreading service scours your manuscript for pesky errors that might otherwise be missed. It addresses and corrects grammar and spelling errors only, so it’s not a replacement for a full editing service, but it’s the most cost-effective service on the editing spectrum. Corrections are made on a line-by-line basis, as needed.



Copyediting lends a professional eye to your words, correcting grammar errors and spelling errors while improving sentence structure, clarity, organization, style, and consistency by making changes to the wording where needed. Corrections are done on a line-by-line basis, as needed.


Manuscript Evaluation

A manuscript evaluation gives a bird’s eye view on what your book needs more or less of. We’ll read the book cover-to-cover and write up a 2-5 page report on the strengths and weaknesses of your manuscript in an overview rather than line-by-line responses.


Book Coaching

Book coaching analyzes a story’s strengths and weaknesses. It’s designed to improve a short story, novella, or novel, increasing its marketability through discussions about the book’s goals, focus, characterization, description, world-building, and plot. Comments are made on a line-by-line basis, as needed.


Blurb Coaching

Other than the cover, nothing is more important than your book’s blurb. It’s what captures the reader’s attention and is a great way to make your book distinct from your competition. Let us coach your blurb into being its best.


Blurb Writing

Most authors say writing a blurb for their book is the worst. We’ll rewrite the blurb you provide us at a fraction of the cost of other blurb writing services because we don’t have to read your manuscript or a summary of your book. The blurb we’ll provide you will be more appealing to your potential readers and will likely sell you more books.