Naked Came the Detective – Editorial Review



Title: Naked Came the Detective

Author: Glendall C. Jackson III

Genre: Mystery


Chris is a journalist who possesses the memoirs of a young woman with whom he had more than a professional relationship. She has vanished seemingly without a trace. The unidentified woman worked as a prostitute and her client list was extensive and eclectic. The course of events that changed the woman’s life began with the murder of a client named Ben. Ben was a businessman who also pursued a variety of investment opportunities. Despite not having a romantic attachment to Ben, she desires to know more about his demise. The courtesan begins a covert investigation, utilizing her charisma on a variety of her patrons to elicit information. As she learns more about the murder, each step closer to a killer also brings her closer to danger.

Author Glendall C. Jackson III dispenses with formalities in laying out the initial mystery of the narrative. The whereabouts of the protagonist and the reason for her disappearance are the intriguing core factors of the story. The elements of mystery build with each ensuing chapter as the action shifts between the various regulars and what she hopes to learn from them while performing her job. This is her story being laid out with the occasional thoughts and musings of Chris being dropped in.

The subject of our story possesses no name to call her. The lack of a name is a reflection on her ability to be anyone at any time in her line of work. Her reputation is for providing a “girlfriend experience” for those looking for that type of fun. She is beautiful, alluring, and very intelligent. She adheres to a code that weeds out demanding or flaky patrons while treating the good and consistent clients like gold. There is little judgment toward her trade while explaining the ins and outs of the business.

The subject lives in Washington, DC where the corridors of government reside. Many of the characters who inhabit this tale possess an amorality that knows no depths. However, our main character distinguishes herself by her introspectiveness. She suffers no delusions about what she does, however there is always a line to be drawn. She may not have liked Ben as she did others, but she does possess an empathy that makes his death resonate. She realizes the power she wields when these men come to see her, her ability to disarm and glean useful information.

Each chapter brings our heroine into contact with one or two of her clientele, yet a deeper exploration into her association with Chris would prove useful. A chapter devoted to the interplay between our unnamed woman and Chris and why she would place such faith in him would aid in understanding their dynamic.

Naked Came the Detective is a beguiling mystery novella that reads as a contemporary noir. The leading character performs a dual role as femme fatale/detective while her clients are nearly all unwitting suspects. This is a smart and stylish tale that will leave the reader looking for more from this talented writer.



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