Whose Life Are You Living? – Editorial Review


Title:  Whose Life Are You Living?: Finding and Living Your Unique Purpose in Christ.

Author: Curt P. Martin    

Genre: Spiritual Self-Help


Whose Life Are You Living?: Finding and Living Your Unique Purpose in Christ offers a comprehensive framework based on biblical truths and revelations to engage and guide those readers wishing to renew or transform their faith journey from mere observance to an active, spirit-led life in Christ.

Martin’s fundamental message is based on the teachings found within the Books of Ephesians and Galatians urging Christians to walk in the Spirit. In this book, it’s described that only by this tenet can a person truly attain life as the masterpiece God created and accomplish his kingdom missions.

From the core concept, this lifelong pilgrimage of spiritual enlightenment is deeply embedded in, and driven by all the teachings found within the Bible (NKJ version).

Whose Life Are You Living? is chiefly directed at Christian readers, although it does have broader application if taken out of context. Further, from a genre perspective, it is an intelligently wrought and monumental work that explores weighty doctrinal and scriptural complexities that would be of interest to theology students.

The book is divided into five parts and then broken into chapters, each ending with an application session. These application sessions provide consolidation but also challenge the reader to consider how the biblical truths discussed in the chapters are relevant and applicable to their relationship with God.

It’s very precisely laid out. Martin ensures that the chapters are outlined not only with clear subheadings and summary bubbles but also with a mix of discussion points, rhetorical questions, and debate. These have been carefully worked to ensure the reader is interacting and stimulated while able to reflect upon and refine their spiritual path.

Martin is single-minded and uncompromising—there are no shortcuts. The reader is motivated to constantly evaluate and adjust their spiritual growth through meaningful, perpetual conversation with God and scriptural study.

He is candid concerning the sacrifices a reader will be required to make to transform their Christianity into one of constant self-adjustment and spiritual examination. He does not sugar-coat the conflicts and challenges that a reader may encounter, internally and externally, as they engage in spiritual warfare.

Given the nature of the book and the use of scripture, Martin’s writing does have a strong biblical register. Still, it never becomes overly rhetorical or dogmatic and has a mesmerizing cadence that is strangely hypnotic and quite beautiful to read. The book is also flawlessly edited.

Martin provides some lovely, well-chosen allegorical analogies. Their gentle, folkloric simplicity nicely contrasts against the heavier content, especially the one portraying God as “The Master Gardener.”

He also threads the chapters with anecdotes detailing his personal life and the struggles he faced in his walk with God. This provides reassurance and a sense of community for the reader which is enhanced by Martin’s use of the plural pronouns “we” and “our” throughout.

At the end of Part three, he urges the reader to discover their personality type through secular tests and helpfully provides the resources for these. Although steadfast in his beliefs, he is cognizant that every faith journey is an intensely subjective and intimate experience.

Part four could come across as overwhelming to the reader. It contains eleven chapters dealing with, at times, some abstruse teachings, although it is alleviated by Martin’s liberal use of scripture verses. There are areas of repetition, although Martin advises that reiterating his central message is intentionally included.

Whose Life Are You Living? is a deeply profound and, potentially, transformative book offering robust spiritual guidance. Martin delivers a powerful and stirring message primarily, but not exclusively, aimed at Christians wishing to awaken their faith choices and live a purposeful life of dedication to God.



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