Productivity Equation: The Four Step Process to Accomplishing More of What’s Important to You – Editorial Review

  Title: Productivity Equation: The Four Step Process to Accomplishing More of What’s Important to You Author: Elita Torres Genre: Business / Productivity   Most people have specific goals about what they want to accomplish in a specific time period, such as a day, month, or year. Everyone has days where they wish they could’ve… Read More Productivity Equation: The Four Step Process to Accomplishing More of What’s Important to You – Editorial Review

Waking Up Human: A Survivor’s Guide – Editorial Review

  Title: Waking Up Human: A Survivor’s Guide Author: Susan Aranda Genre: Memoir / Self-Help   In Susan Aranda’s memoir, Waking Up Human, Aranda revisits her life experiences involving childhood trauma, heartbreak, motherhood, and aging parents. From being raised by an abusive mother, to going through two abusive marriages, to taking care of her dying father, this story of a strong woman… Read More Waking Up Human: A Survivor’s Guide – Editorial Review

Reach – Editorial Review

  Title: Reach: Maximize Your Potential and Live Your Best Life                 Author: Nate Thurgood   Genre: Self-Help       In Reach, Nate Thurgood has brought his considerable expertise and experience from the high-level corporate world to devise a personal growth program, enabling readers to fulfill their potential by focusing on five key areas, core goals, and… Read More Reach – Editorial Review

Stepping Beyond Intention – Editorial Review

  Title: Stepping Beyond Intention Author: Daniel Mangena Genre: Self-help   Changing behaviors is difficult and changing the ways you think are even harder. In Stepping Beyond Intention, the author outlines an interesting process that promotes positive internal changes that radiate to positive physical outcomes. He explains the four-step process to change the way a… Read More Stepping Beyond Intention – Editorial Review

Appreciation and Meaning Journal – Editorial Review

  Title: Appreciation and Meaning Journal Author: Andrew Eltes Genre: Self-help   The world moves so fast, and us along with it, that people don’t always find the time to be mindful of the present and to be appreciative of the many things in their lives that are potential sources of happiness, growth, and meaning.… Read More Appreciation and Meaning Journal – Editorial Review